Monday Lunch

This Monday, there will be a 5 min presentation by Dimitris Polychronopoulos of about his startup story: What would he do differently. During the session, Dimitris will discuss why it's not easy getting it right when you launch a startup. There will be a Q&A and mingling after the presentation.

Learn more about here:

Dimitris Polychronopoulos will share his journey about his language site, from the planning and design thinking stages to the budgeting and project planning to the initial sunken costs, assumptions, mistakes, promotions, and workshops and his experience pitching at Smarana Mitra's One Million by One Million (1Mby1M) and up to the latest challenges of GDPR compliancy.

Every Monday at 12.00 a company/startup presents their business idea and their journey in 5 mins during International House's Monday common lunch on Oscarsgate 27. Feedback and questions, then just mingling and chat.

The company presenting gets some new ambassadors and the audience gets inspiration and valuable do's and dont's in the startup world. Networking and an informal and a friendly environment for creating business opportunities.